The multiplier network – new energy for your company
With re-energize you bring new energy into your organization!
Through the training and empowerment of Energy & Transformation Agents, you activate existing resources and enter the future strengthened with new energy. The development of an internal multiplier network promotes networking within the organization and carries your initiatives across the board. The three building blocks of the program all aim to make your initiatives and transformations faster, more effective and more sustainable.
Develop roadmap and goals
Qualifying Energy & Transformation Agents
Accompany initiatives effectively
“The programme contained an incredible number of takeaways for us that we can now use to drive the change with new passion and innovation.”

Stephanie Pillichshammer
“Re-energize equipped us with a generously filled box of knowledge for taking the next steps of our New-Work transformation.”

Gianna D'Assisi
“Through the many inspiring inputs, re-energize has opened our eyes for setting the right focus in transformation. Thank you for your power – it is simply contagious!”

Stefanie Berchtold
“Even after 26 years in my company, I am passionate about change. For me, re-energize was like a big treasure chest of tools to get things moving professionally.”

Michael Fannrich
“Particularly valuable for us was networking with participants from other companies and learning how they approach and drive their change processes.”

Tamara Kühne
INSPIRE – developing a roadmap and goals
Together we concretize Purpose & Roadmap for your multiplier network and select the content for the training.
We train your Energy & Transformation Agents in our scientifically based concepts to accompany your initiatives and transformations. Together we select the appropriate topics for your organization. Existing approaches or specific requirements of your organization are linked to our concepts in co-development, so we create a tailor-made program for your needs and support you in building your own multiplier network.
An additional, fixed component of the training phase is the cross-company exchange with other Energy & Transformation Agents with us in St. Gallen. With re-energize we have trained and educated more than 200 multipliers in different organizations so far. Within the framework of network meetings in St. Gallen, we bring your Energy & Transformation Agents into exchange with other multipliers and thus create a special exchange of experience and change of perspective.

GROW – accompany initiatives effectively
We support you and your multiplier network in the implementation through continuous consulting and custom-fit building blocks, such as:
Pulse Checks – lean progress tracking in your transformation
ImpAct monitoring – broad employee surves as central steering tool
Develop a vision – giving direction for future activities
Leadership Empowerment – Promotion and empowerment of your leadership team
Special features
Energy & Transformation Agent Network: Building an internal multiplier network promotes networking within the organization and carries your initiatives across the board.
Individual transfer coaching: This ensures that you can integrate our impulses into your everyday counselling.
Live measurements come directly into use and we empower you to use our tools for live measurement in the field with customers.
Live Cases: You work with other participants on your real-life practical examples and derive solution scenarios.
Best Practices: We enable you to exchange best practices with our network of trainers, coaches and practitioners.

Das oE-Konzept…
erfasst die Dynamik in Unternehmen.
fördert evidenzbasiert Hochleistung in Unternehmen.
wirkt hoch signifikant auf Vitalität, Intensität und Geschwindigkeit von Arbeits-, Veränderungs- und Innovationsprozessen in Unternehmen.
ist der wesentliche Erfolgsfaktor für Change-Prozesse und nachhaltiges Wachstum.
wird seit über 15 Jahren regelmässig in der Praxis gemessen – inzwischen bei über 1’400 Unternehmen als Vollbefragung mit mehr als 700’000 Mitarbeitern in 55 Ländern.
wurde unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch an der London Business School und am Institut für Führung und Personalmanagement (I.FPM) der Universität St. Gallen entwickelt.
TEDxZurich: Heike Bruch on how to manage organizational energy

Daten 2021
Modul 1:
Re-Energizing People & Organizations
3 Tage im April 2021
Modul 2:
Leveraging Big Data & People Tools
3 Tage im Mai 2021
Modul 3:
Driving Change & New Work Transformation
3 Tage im Juni 2021
Getting Ready to Re-Energize
1 Tag nach Modul 3
April 2021
Insgesamt 10 Tage in drei Modulen und Supervision
St. Gallen
15’000 CHF &
Modul 1:
Re-Energizing People & Organizations
3 Tage im April 2021
Modul 2:
Leveraging Big Data & People Tools
3 Tage im Mai 2021
Modul 3:
Driving Change & New Work Transformation
3 Tage im Juni 2021
Getting Ready to Re-Energize
1 Tag nach Modul 3
April 2021
Insgesamt 10 Tage in drei Modulen
St. Gallen
15´000 CHF &
Das Training richtet sich an Führungskräfte sowie HR und Change-Verantwortliche.
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